How to Prepare Chemistry for Class 12 Board Exam?

Chemistry is a scoring subject and students can obtain higher marks in this subject by putting in little hard work. Chemistry is a very important subject for both Board exams and various Competitive exams. One can easily score 95+ marks in Chemistry but you must study it regularly. Entrance exams like NEET and JEE Main are conducted within a month after the completion of class 12 Board Exams. If you have command over this subject then you can really perform well in these exams too.

Why students face difficulty in Chemistry?
Many students fail to score good marks in this subject. The only reason behind it is that they run away from it. If you really want to perform in this subject then try to eject chemistry-phobia from your mind as soon as possible. 
Believe me, chemistry is one of the easiest subjects in the science stream provided you study it with full concentration and consistently. You must read chemistry regularly or you will not be able to prepare it well for the board exam. 

Important Chemistry Books for class 12 Board Exams 

NCERT is the most important book for the class 12 board exam preparation. We recommend you to go through this book first and try to solve exercise questions. In addition to it, you must solve some sample papers to get familiar with Application based and HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) questions. Some of the best books which you can take help from have been listed below. You can buy these books from Amazon at exciting discounts.

How to prepare different chapters of Chemistry for Class 12 Board Exam?  
Chemistry consists of 3 portions- Physical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry and Organic chemistry. All three portions are equally important and if you want to score higher in this subject then you must not neglect any portion.

Physical Chemistry: First of all, learn and understand the theoretical portion of this unit. Without understanding theory, you will not be able to solve numerical. Learn all formulas of chapters like Solution, Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics. Solve numerical regularly to increase your speed. Never neglect the theory portion which is equally important for entrance exams too. 

Inorganic Chemistry: “How many times have you counted the number of pages in “d-Block Elements” before actually learning it?” It will not help you. Inorganic Chemistry requires lots of learning work and you cannot escape from it.  
NCERT is enough for the preparation of this portion. If you have notes then it is great. But, if you don’t have it and you are finding it difficult to learn from NCERT then you can opt for above mentioned books like All in One Chemistry or Xam idea.

If you successfully learn this section, rest assured, you will get full marks from it. Direct questions are asked from it. Never leave them for the last moment. Give at least half an hour to this section daily and keep revising learned topics as well to avoid forgetting them. 

Organic Chemistry: It is probably the easiest but most important portion of class 12 Chemistry. This section carries 26 marks as per the revised syllabus. Learn all organic reactions. Practice them by writing and keep revising learned reactions. Solve all word-problems of NCERT exercise. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers and Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids are the two most important chapters from Organic chemistry. 

Some important topics from Organic chemistry are- Sandmeyer’s reaction, Nucleophilic substitution reaction, Optical isomerism, Electrophilic substitution reaction, Esterification, Reimer-Tiemann reaction, Kolbe’s reaction, Williamson synthesis, Rosenmud reduction, Gatterman-Koch reaction, Nucleophilic addition reaction, Clemmensen reduction, Wolff-Kishner reduction, Aldol reaction, Haloform reaction, Cross aldol condensation, Cannizzaro reaction, Hell-Volhard Zelinsky reaction, Carbylamine reaction and Coupling reaction

Important Chapters 
If you want to secure 95+ marks then concentrate equally on all chapters. For weaker students who want to get at least passing marks i.e. 23, it’s important that they prepare selective but important chapters and topics. Prepare all above mentioned topics of Organic chemistry. 
The three chapters- "Biomolecules", d and f-Block Elements” and "Coordination Compounds" together carry 21 marks. Good command over these and "Solution" can easily propel your score above passing marks. (Also Read: How to Pass in Chemistry in CBSE Class 12 Board Exam?)

REVISION is the Key… 
Whatever you learn, keep revising them regularly. Many students complain that they forget learned topics after few days. It is a common problem. With regular revision you can overcome it. Try to solve sample paper at least once a week to feel confident about your preparation. Solve last 10-year question papers. First, prepare those chapters in which you feel comfortable.

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  1. Hello,
    Thank you for this wonderful post. I must admit that I've just recently developed an attitude (after we learnt p-Block and all the inorganic chemistry in school), that chemistry is absolutely impossible to learn. But, thanks to you, I've realized that it's only impossible as long as I think of it as impossible. :)
    I have one doubt. In all the comments, you've suggested solving as many papers as possible. However, I still have a ton of portion left to learn in all the subjects. Do you recommend learning everything first and only then moving on to solving all the papers? Because, I feel clueless when I look at any paper right now :$

    Thanks once again :)

    1. Thanks for your appreciation.

      Solving more and more sample papers will help you in diffusing out the board exam fear and you will become much more confident. But at the same time I will suggest you to finish your exam portion first. In that case you can solve sample paper on weekly basis.

      Best of Luck

    2. sir i m weak n organic chemistry, to get good marks in tat what r the things i have to do sir?

    3. Organic chemistry requires both learning and regular practice. Learn all reactions first and them try to practice them by writing and solving conversions.

    4. If you have read those 12 chapters earlier then there should not be any problem. If not, then it is a bit unrealistic target. I will suggest you to solve sample papers and focus on revision instead of learning new chapters.

  2. My daughter has finished studying chemistry once . She tells me she keeps forgetting th e reactions. How should I ask her to study.

    1. Ask her to revise learned chapters daily. She must practice sample papers like Evergreen. Revision is mandatory to perform well in the board exam.

  3. hello sir i am weak in numerical part what to do?? nd i get bored after 1 hr studying chem.

    1. To feel confident while solving numericals, you need to solve more and more questions and sample paper. Take regular breaks while studying chemistry to avoid getting bored.


  4. sir, i am weak in chem,i score only 25/70 . i want to score 45/70. how can i score this mark.

    1. Complete chapters like Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in everyday life, Coordination compound, Surface chemistry, Solid state and Solution first. Then look for organic chemistry. I have mentioned important topics in the above article go through them. I will recommend you Xam idea for board exam preparation.

  5. are just ncert books enough for scoring more than 90% ?

    1. Undoubtedly NCERT books are more than enough to score over 90 percent in the board exam. Your preparation should strictly revolve around syllabus based on NCERT.

  6. much helpful a great thanks for exams hub

  7. what about if we revise chemistry by using past 10 years chemistry question papers of all ind, delhi, all india compartment, delhi compartment and foriegn papers

    1. It will surely help, but don't expect by reading these only you will get over 80 marks. You must follow NCERT book for better performance.

  8. sir are the derivations in chemistry important. If yes then can you please mention which one of them are important.

  9. sir i have trouble in studying conversions..not able to do conversions questions..plse tell me the way how to understand conversions..

    1. For solving conversions, you must memorize all the reactions in organic chemistry

  10. How many marks do numericals contain in chemistry exam?? sir pls tell me ...

  11. Sir I want to score 70/70 in chemistry. Can u please give me some tips so that I could accomplish my target?

    1. NCERT is the only solution for that. Try to have complete command over that.

  12. You're article was really helpful sir. It gave me a new hope that I still can clear my chemistry exam. Chemistry is my really big weak point. There are hardly any days left and I am only done with the last three chapters. Can you please suggest a way to get the magical 23? Thank you.

    1. The last 3 chapters will give you 10 marks. Now complete surface chemistry, coordination compound, Haloalkane and solid state which are bit easier and you can get close to 30 marks by studying them.

  13. Sir, what is the best way to memorize organic Chem. ?

    1. Regular practice is the only secret, more you practice them by writing, more confident you will become

  14. namestey sir ,,m stuti frm odisha..m an average student bt frm ur advices nw m confident...m just left wid 5 mnths for boards bt i hav not yet started preparations as the syllabus is not yet ovr at skul...plz guide me sir to score atleast a 65/70 in boards,..awaiting for ur advices..thnx a lot

    1. Important chapters and topics have been mentioned above. To get over 65 in chemistry is quite easy provided you have complete command over NCERT. 5 months are enough to go through this book. Start learning inorganic chemistry now. Practice conversions and reactions in organic chemistry daily. You will perform well.

  15. i find it a bit difficult to study the organic chapters. the main thing is that i forget/confuse the reagents used in the reactions. what can i do to solve this prob

    1. Try to learn them by writing again and again, read NCERT and study them regularly

  16. sir i knew that i am good in physical chemistry and organic chemistry .but i find it quite difficult to attend inorganic chemistry. what shall i do in order to score marks????

    1. Start Memorizing them now and do not leave them for the last moment. NCERT is the best book for preparing inorganic chemistry. Without learning them you cannot score well. Direct questions are asked from this section and it helps in scoring higher.

  17. Thanks sir for your three line answer is enough for 3 mark question. For 5 mark which lessons I should concentrate more.please help me sir

    1. Samuel, length of answer depends on question. In Chemistry, answers are not too long. If your answer is appropriate then it does not depend upon its length, you will get full marks. For 5 Marks, give attention to important chapters which have been mentioned in the above article.

  18. hello sir, im in class 12 with PCB, i'm very weak in chem. and know nothing of organic chem, i want to score good marks in board so can you please help me in telling which book should i prefer.

    1. Go through NCERT. It is not that difficult, take interest in it. You can take help of any other reference book in addition too.

  19. sir, how to score good marks in vsaqs

    1. Read NCERT carefully, only then you can attempt all Short answer Questions. Solve objective questions too.

  20. is ncert ony sufficient to prepare 4 board exams or not .......
    nd 4 organic hw 2 remem the rxnss
    itzz really diffi to cram them

    1. NCERT is more than enough for board and competitive exams. Reactions from organic can be remembered by writing them several times on paper.

  21. Sir i have prepared numerical nd organic portions but sir in the inorganic and the last 3 chapters i face lot of difficulties. I keep forgetting the structures nd formulae i had learnt 2-3 days should i muck these up?? I also dont have much time left ..should i solve papers or firstly prepare this portion well??

    1. You are not the only guy to have this problem. The last 3 chapters carry 10 marks so don't ignore them. Inorganic chemistry and these 3 chapters should be revised regularly to avoid forgetting them. Remember Structures and formulas by writing them several times.

      Give inorganic chemistry at least an hour a day and start solving mock papers too. Read inorganic chemistry daily and this section is important because direct questions are asked from them and you can score well in it.

  22. how to overcome multi-step interconversion, it is difficult to remember all the reactions there is nearly two months for the exams how can prepare to get minimum 55/70 in chemistry

    1. You must learn all reactions for getting better in doing conversions. Learn them by writing several times. 2 months are enough to score well in chemistry, just have full command over NCERT.

  23. Sir I've studied chemistry but still I am forgetting .
    Dont know what's happening????
    So plz tell how can I revise them in 5 days bcz I have my practical s too.

    1. It is a very common problem. Don't take stress. Just solve one or two sample paper to feel confident. Solve few numericals and conversions to revise physical and organic chemistry.

  24. Sir i dont know how to study because i have read all the chapters and before exam i am very confidant to score well but i dont get good marks.

    1. You should try to solve sample papers at least once a week. Try to revise organic chemistry by writing them. Give emphasis on revision. Don't take too much stress. Hard work never goes unrewarded. You will succeed. Don't feel nervous in the exam hall, probably it is affecting your score.

  25. When I start study I get confused which book is best for boards please suggest me which book is best for boards I have xam idea,ncert,paradeep

    1. Undoubtedly, NCERT is the best book not only for the board exams but also for the different competitive exams.

    2. If I study only ncert and solve all questions of ncert then can I score 40 marks

    3. If you have full command over NCERT then you can easily score over 55 marks or even higher.

  26. Thnxs for clearing our doubts sir
    I wanted to know now only 3 days are for board exam so which chapters should we study first also plz tell me should previous year questions is enough for preparation or how much I should do ncert questions , I don't want to read ncert full chapters I can read Questions....plz suggest me sir

    1. You cannot read the entire book now. Solve previous year papers. Revise those chapters first which you find easier and don't waste time on reading difficult ones. Practice numericals for preparing physical chemistry and you will succeed.

  27. Sir,I don't know properly the organic portion of class 11 and now I am in. Class 12. And I am facing difficulties in organic portion.
    tell me what should I do I am very scared

    1. I will recommend you to go through the last two chapters of organic chemistry of 11th class, that will create base for you and help you tremendously in class 12. You have enough time, just read them properly.

  28. Yeah this is being useful..I face difficulty in physical chemistry especially in the numerical....this makes me upset and irritated...this makes me dislike the subject..and sir there isn't any good faculty in our school...and this is the only subject I'm very scared...and also in organic part I face difficulty too....sir please help me to come out the problem...I want to score excellent marks in this tell the truth I didn't understand anything in the first 4 chapters...sir please help n guide me

    1. You need to understand the theoretical portion too in order to solve numericals. I'll recommend you to find a good tuition teacher if you don't have good faculty at school. Try to read NCERT book properly as it is vital for both board exams and competitive exams.

      For organic chemistry, I'll suggest you to go through a little bit of class 11 chemistry to prepare the base. Again, NCERT is the best book for preparing this portion.

  29. i have studied the my chemistry book competely but while writting the answers i do not know why i get mixed up . i know i answer but i cannot represent it properly , and at exam i even forgets the answer. please help me sir .

    1. You should try to solve Sample papers regularly. Also ensure that you revise learned chapters frequently. Revision is the key to success in the board exams. Try to read chemistry from NCERT.

    2. Sir direct question is coming form ncert chemistry mean same question over from ncert.

    3. By referring to direct questions, I mean that questions are strictly based on NCERT and you can answer them easily if you read book properly. Direct questions are frequently asked in Inorganic chemistry.

  30. sir i want to score 90% + in boards so what is the reference book i should refer for chemistry the most

    1. For more than 90 percent, I will recommend you to go through NCERT first then you can opt for any book

  31. Hello sir,i am student of class 12 the and I am countinously failing in chemistry .I don't no anything in chemistry . especially the organic chemistry.only 4 months r left for board exams.i am very scared pls tell me how to study and score 40 in board exams.i am zero in chemistry.only u can help me.

    1. Hi Annesh, You can't be zero in this subject. Probably, your efforts are zero. Don't take much stress and have confidence that you can do it. Still you have time in your hands. Study easier chapters first. Organic chemistry is not that tough, just you need to do more practice and read selected topics.

      I have mentioned some important topics from organic chemistry above, prepare them first. Practice last 10 year question paper. Start learning inorganic chemistry now, direct questions are asked from them. Solid state and Solution can also be done easily. Don't run away from chemistry. The last 3 chapters carry 10 marks, prepare them well. You will get more than 40 in board exam.

      Like Exams Hub Facebook Page and send us message directly, you will get quick reply.

  32. Hello sir. Sir I'm a good student in school in all subjects especially math I always get 95 + ,but chemistry is little difficult sir. I don't score good marks in chemistry, my miss says my answering is not proper. What should I do?

    1. I will recommend you to prepare chemistry through NCERT book to improve your answering skills. Revise learned chapters daily to avoid forgetting them. As you told, you are good in Maths then you should not have problems in numericals.

      In Inorganic Chemistry you need to learn a lot and there is no shortcut to it. Start learning chapters like p and d block from today itself. Direct questions are asked from them and they are scoring chapters. Some important topics from Organic Chemistry have been given above, go through them first.

      Learn all organic reactions by writing them repeatedly. It will help you while doing conversions. Solve sample papers after completing every chapter to strengthen your answering skills.

  33. Sir, What books u prefer for mcq's to perfect the concepts of the lessons. I have a fixed book for other subject but can't decide on chemistry??

    1. You can go for Master the NCERT of Arihant publication. I have given a link to this book in above post.

  34. Sir plz tell me what are the main topic i read for 2017 so i score 50

    1. Important topics from organic chemistry has been given above. Follow the above tips and solve last 10 years question paper too.

  35. Sir,
    I have read all the chapter ones from NCERT but still feel I know nothing. I have not joined any coaching.
    One month is left for board exams and I want to score above 65.
    Please suggest.

    1. It's good you have covered NCERT at least for once. Try to revise learned chapters regularly and solve sample papers and previous year papers to feel confident in it. Organic and Physical chemistry require daily practice. Learn all organic reactions before doing conversions. Inorganic requires lots of learning, don't leave them too late. Learn them daily for at least an hour. You will surely get desired result.

  36. i dont know anything in chemistry,but i want obove 100 marks....pls give a solution

    1. Have a realistic target to succeed. You have few weeks now and if you don't know anything then your first target should be to pass in your chemistry paper.

  37. Sir i have only 20days please help i only know 2 chapters.(solid state and solution)..I'm confused..i wish to get atleast above 30.

    1. Don't worry. Complete Biomolecules, Polymers and Chemistry in Everyday life. These 3 chapters carry 10 marks. Then, prepare coordination compound, p and d block elements through notes or books like xam idea. Some important organic chemistry reactions have been mentioned above, prepare them well. You will get over 40 marks.

  38. Sir I am finding it very difficult to learn the reactions in p block ..Plz help .....

    1. p-block is very important chapter. Revise learned reactions regularly by writing. Learn hybridisation, structure and preparation of various compounds also.

  39. Sir ...if I complete ...the question papers of last 10 years CBSE board ...then approx , much can I score in board ?

    1. By solving last 10 year question papers, you get command over the frequently asked important questions. But, it is hard to predict marks. It will surely boost your preparation.

  40. Sir is it sufficient if we solve each and every question in ncert for chemistry?

    1. It is hard to predict that every question will be asked from NCERT exercise only. But, solving questions from NCERT will surely help you.

  41. sir thank u one question how to be prepared in last wo weeksbefoe chemistry wxam

    1. Now you should focus more on revision. Practice by solving previous year papers and sample papers. Avoid learning new stuffs.

  42. I do not learned anything in chemistry my exam is on 25march .suggest me how can I prepared chemistry so at least I can get 35-40 marks.

    1. Learn last 3 chapters which carry 10 marks. Prepare inorganic chemistry through notes or books like Xam idea, it will require less time. In coordination compound focus on nomenclature, isomerism, CFT and hybridisation. Important organic chemistry reactions have been given above. Prepare Physical Chemistry as per your convenience.

  43. Sir I find difficulty in reading the NCERT textbook I find the book lengthy so how to read NCERT textbook with interest it is necessary to only read NCERT textbook

    1. Now when few days are left I will suggest you to prepare for your examination from notes. NCERT is important because questions are asked from this book only in the board exams.

  44. Sir,now i am in 12th so i have pure one year left from now,but i have not studied 11th chemistry well so i mean to say that in 12th chemistry depends on 11th chemistry or not and sir how can i score above 60 from 70 in chemistry from now if i give 1 hour daily from now....sir plzzz reply as soon as possible.thnxx

    1. You can achieve your target but it will require some hard work. For organic chemistry you will need class 11 knowledge. Other chapters can be done easily. Focus on NCERT to prepare inorganic chemistry and other stuffs. Regular study and revision of learned chapters are key to succeed in class 12 and it is good to see that you are taking initiative so early.

    2. Will you please tell me how can I make chemistry notes? I mean during exams it will be impossible to read the whole book. So, how can I make notes?

    3. Notes will be helpful in Inorganic and Organic chemistry. While making notes, ensure you are not copying just the NCERT, instead prepare it in points and in your own language. Your notes should include all those organic and inorganic reactions which you think you can easily forget. Keep visiting notes frequently.

  45. Hello sir....
    I am Ashar...
    I haven*t started preparations for board.would you pls tell me how I start?
    From which chapter?

    1. Hi Ashar, You should start learning inorganic chemistry as it involves lots of learning work and you must not leave it for the final months. Practice numericals and organic reactions daily. You can start with any chapter that you find easier.

  46. Sir,,, i'm very much uncomfertable with coordinate chem and CH-11...
    what should i do...

    1. You must clear concept in coordinate chemistry, first. Look to cover Nomenclature, Hybridisation, CFT and Isomerism, initially to do well in it. In organic chemistry, try to learn organic reactions to do well. Practice them by writing more and more.

  47. Hi, my boards are in 2 months and I haven't prepared anything. If I focus on the topics you mentioned above will it help me to get 30marks?
    Plus I was a 2016-2017 batch student but I failed my physics and chemistry. So Im reappearing this year. All I need is 30marks in theory. I have full 30marks in practicals. Please reply.

    1. Organic topics mentioned above are important. Prepare last 3 chapters well along with surface chemistry. Solve previous year papers. You will get desired result. p-block is also important, hence prepare it through notes and solve MCQs from it for quick preparation.

  48. Tnx....for enhancing my confidence level

    1. It’s really encouraging to hear that from you, Nutan. Best of luck for your exams.

  49. Thank You So Much Sir for useful information. It is very helpful for me.

  50. Hey nice post dude...
    I have a question..
    When i entered class 12th, i learnt Organic chemistry very well and i was very good at it. But now its a long time... Now i find somewhat difficulty in organic.. Although i know all reaction but in conversions it feels difficult... I dont have much problem in physical and inorganic... And its only a month left for boards... Can u pls advice me how can i revise the things...

    1. One month is enough for organic chemistry. Practice conversions daily, start it from NCERT itself then move to sample papers. It’s like numericals, more you solve, better you will become.

    2. thanks buddy.. I already started doing exercises... Pls tell one more thing, should i practise sample papers or last year board papers??

    3. First solve previous year papers and then look to solve as many sample papers as you could.

  51. Hello Sir/Mam
    Iam revising my syllabus of chemistry but iam having difficulties in organic chemistry. What Type Of questions should I learn to get Good Marks in Chemistry??
    Name: Himanshu Sharma

    1. Hi Himanshu, learn organic reactions if you could only then you could perform in Organic section. Try to solve previous year papers now. Only 5 days are left, you should give equal time in each section.

  52. Thank u ...this help me and I must follow this tips after reading this really I am relax about chemistry chap thanks for this 💫😇


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